Our Leadership

Pastor Dexter & Lady Sophia Gordon

Pastor Dexter Gordon was born and raised in Tampa, Florida and spent his teenage years attending church and playing sports. As a prolific high school football player, he was being scouted to play college football by several schools, but God had other plans for his life. After an injury changed the trajectory of his life, Pastor Gordon was placed on a path that would eventually lead him to accept the call of God to ministry.  
When his parents, Bishop and Lady Gordon, started El-Bethel Tabernacle (now El Bethel Church) in 1997, he began assisting with the church’s music ministry as it’s drummer and eventually as the keyboard player and music minister. It wasn’t long before Pastor Dexter felt the leading of the Lord to pulpit ministry that had been on his life for many years. In addition to serving in the role of music minister, he has served El Bethel Church as the youth pastor for many years, assistant pastor, and now as the Senior Pastor. Pastor Dexter, who is an ordained minister with the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), has also held positions within the UPCI as the local Sectional Youth Leader, FL District Youth Secretary and President, Building the Bridge Youth Coordinator, and is currently the Sectional Presbyter. He is a dynamic minister who has a burden and passion for young people and to see souls saved for the kingdom of God.
In 2001, he married his best friend, Sophia Gordon, who is also a licensed minister with the UPCI and who shares his passion for souls, has a love for prayer, missions, and disability ministry. Together they share four amazing children: Mikayla, Jayden, Seth-Aaron, and Noah.  

Bishop Norris & Lady Doreen Gordon

After several years of laboring faithfully in the church that he attended with his family in Tampa, FL, Bishop Gordon received the call of God to plant a new community church in the area of Clair Mel City. While in prayer, Bishop Gordon received a vision from the Lord which directed him to stand before the people and “take them to the mountain top.” Bishop Gordon sought the Lord for confirmation of his will and was led by the Holy Ghost to Genesis 35:7. It was from this scripture that the name of the church was derived.
El-Bethel which means The God of the house".

In February 2019 Bishop Norris and Lady Doreen was led by the Lord to transition El Bethel Church to the associate pastor after 21 years of ministry. Pastor Dexter & Lady Sophia Gordon now serve as the senior pastor of El Bethel and are submitted to the call of the Lord.
El Bethel Church exist to Connect people to God, Grow strong relationship, Serve the community and Reach the world with the Gospel.