Our history

The Call….
After several years of laboring faithfully in the church that he attended with his family in Tampa, FL, Bishop Gordon began to feel the call of God to pastor and a strong burden for the area of Clair Mel City. While in prayer, Bishop Gordon received a vision from the Lord which directed him to stand before the people and “take them to the mountain top.” Bishop Gordon sought the Lord for confirmation of his will and was led by the Holy Ghost to Genesis 35:7. It was from this scripture that the name of the church was derived-- El-Bethel means “The God of the house.”

The Beginning….
Together with his wife, Lady Doreen Gordon, El-Bethel Tabernacle opened its doors in 1997 in the living room of the Gordon’s home with a total of five people in attendance. By the grace of God and the use of effective evangelism through Home Bible Studies, the congregation began to grow and in a matter of only a few months, the need to relocate was evident.
In the spring of that year, the church relocated to the former Milner Hotel on 50th St. in Tampa and to several other locations until property could be purchased in the Clair Mel city area in the hopes of one day building a permanent church. A few years later on October 9, 2004, the dream became a reality and a permanent building was constructed and dedicated on property that was owned by the church.

And so, it continues….
On February 15, 2019, the mantle of leadership was passed from Bishop Gordon to his son, Pastor Dexter Gordon and his wife, Sophia Gordon. In 2020 the name was changed to reflect the vision that God had given, to not only be a Tabernacle for His presence to inhabit, but to be the Church both inside and outside of the walls.
Therefore, El Bethel Church continues to be a thriving church in the Clair-Mel, Palm River, and Brandon area of Tampa Bay. On any given Sunday, people of all races and nationalities can be found lifting their hands together in worship to the One True and Living God who is above all, and through all, and in us all. Join us while we continue to CONNECT, GROW, REACH, and SERVE.